As the world faces difficult and unsettling circumstances, and fear and anxiety fill our families and homes, KCBI is dedicated more than ever to proclaiming biblical truth and helping believers engage with God’s Word.
We must cling to, rely on, and memorize His Word during these uncertain times and fill our hearts and minds with things that encourage us and give us hope. We also must reach out to those facing critical needs with tangible, practical acts of kindness and service.
This is what KCBI provides every single day, and what you make possible through your gift to our donor-funded station.
Will you help us reach more people with God’s truth and ensure KCBI can provide inspiration and Bible-centered music, conversation, prayer and teaching during a time when we all so desperately need it? Your gift right now will also distribute Bibles to those in prison, provide free ultrasounds to moms facing crisis pregnancies, and equip hurting communities with practical support and resources.
Please use the secure form below to make your gift to KCBI today and be the hands and feet of Jesus.